Sunday, 12 May 2013

All of my Mini Games So Far!

Hi guys!

Mario here with a quick minigame update!

So, I decided that I would fully explain the TWO minigames I've announced, plus the third MASSIVE project that's going under the works. I'm not going to give the name, I am in fact going to make the massive project sound very boring, but believe me, if you've played games like PlanetSide 2, you'll love this project!

Modern Craftfare
This is my most anticipated minigame. This is focused around Call of Duty, and has three different gamemodes: Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies. Campaign will be released AFTER Multiplayer and Zombies as it takes longer to make and think of an awesome storyline. There will be weapons, Prestiging, Killstreaks, perks, upgrades, 4 add-on packs and more!

MineMine is probably the least anticipated out of all of the minigames so far. It is a game in which players have a total of 15 minutes to mine and sell resources, gain Points, and buy weaponry and better Pickaxes. In the last 5 minutes, the PvP Store will open, and players can purchase weapons or, if you've saved up enough, the Legendary Weapons, which are all inspired by YouTubers. You will then be teleported to a glass room, and one player will be teleported to a map room, where they will pick which map to play. The two teams will then fight it out to the death until 1 team gets 30 kills. That team wins!

And now, a very very very very very very very brief description on the massive project:

_____ ___ is a massive project that relates to games such as PlanetSide 2. It is an anti-gravity capture-the-base PvP map, in which there are 5 teams. The game is set in space and you have two main options: become an assassin in the darkness or team up and fight with your team mates. If you capture a full planet, that planet becomes locked, and no one but your team may access it. However, if there is someone in the planet before it is locked, they will stay there and you will have to kill them.

That may seem like a lot, but I'm barely getting started. I don't wanna give too much info away yet, but I'll be sure to let you in on more info when it arrives.

Obsidian Miner